Social Responsibility

National and intern. commitment

As a worldwide leading company in its industry, Freiberger is striving for sustainability in all operations in its value chain taking into account economic, ecological and social aspects. We are socially engaged by supporting local cultural and sports events as well as national and international relief organizations.


We support the promotion of young academics at Bergakademie Freiberg by annually awarding the Federmann Scholarship and the Werner-Freiesleben-Prize.

Cooperation with Schools

The cooperation with the local secondary schools turned out to be beneficial for both – the company and the schools. Early involvement of the industry in the vocational orientation of young people helps to develop the specific interests and expectations of potential future employees at an early stage. Various measures, such as “Open House Week” (at companies), interdisciplinary lessons, and presence of the company during the “Open School House Day” enable the young people to learn more about the company and the opportunities it offers for training and employment.

Neighborhood (Culture & Sports)

It is our aim to be an active member and reliable partner of the community. This means that we engage in social and cultural projects of our neighborhood. For many years, we have been supporting the local handball club (male and youth teams). In the cultural field we are funding the Silbermann Society (Gottfried Silbermann was a famous organ builder), the tourist office and youth club of the local theatre.

German-Israeli Understanding

Freiberger is dedicated to the German-Israeli relationship. We support the municipality in organizing the “Shalom Days”, an event which serves to deepen the twin sister-city relationship established in 1996 between Freiberg and Ness-Ziona (Israel).


The Bakhita Girls Project (Ifakara, Tanzania)

The Bakhita Girls Project strives to assist females who face gender-based and economic injustices in realizing their potential and living dignified and self-reliant lives in Ifakara, Tanzania.

The Project provides access to secondary school education for young mothers and underprivileged girls, by offering scholarships and academic, extracurricular and psychological support for the neediest girls in the community. Freiberger has committed to supporting two Bakhita Girls, Maria Msakamo (left) and Regina Mbangali (right), for their entire secondary school education.